Soul Rooted Astrology Reading




This is a powerful deep-dive into the evolutionary intention of the soul using the astrology birth chart as a tool for uncovering your deepest evolutionary tendencies and desires. These sessions are designed to provide greater clarity regarding many of the core themes and challenges that you have been working with – often unconsciously – throughout your life.

Once these powerful undercurrents are more clearly revealed to you on the conscious level, expedited healing, holistic integration, radical acceptance, and profound creative breakthrough can be accessed and cultivated. By understanding what is uniquely true for you, you are able to stand upon more solid ground (inside and out) in order to generate more ease, joy, meaning, and significance in all areas of your life.

My intention with this service is to support others in their earnest pursuit of deepening self-knowlege and self-reflection around the unique cosmic blueprint that is “you,” as reflected in a snapshot of the sky at the time and place of your birth on this planet. I believe that astrology is one of the ancient tools that can best help modern humans more fully understand the larger collective patterns of our times, as well as support individuals to bring themselves and their unique gifts more fully into the world at a time when we need them most.

This natal astrology reading is held confidentially over Zoom and will last approximately 75 minutes. I am happy to send you a recording of the live call for continued reflection and growth after our time together. No prior astrological knowledge is necessary in order to receive a transformative and applicable reading together.