About me:
My name is Hayden Shaw and I am philosopher, cultural visionary, permaculturalist, community facilitator, rites of passage guide, Soul Rooted Healing Arts practitioner, lover, partner, and human living on planet earth. I am co-founder of S.E.E.D.S. “The School for Ecocentric Evolution & Design Strategies” and live on an experimental community farm in Durango Co where we are exploring revolutionary modals for cultural building, soul-rooted self development and the re-animation of the more than human wold. The Wild Visionary (an image of myself expressed through this site) is an ensoulment archetype of myself uncovered through many ceremonies, reflections, shadow work, and creative self discovery facilitated by the Soul Rooted developmental modal developed at SEEDS. The Wild Visionary that you encounter through this site or otherwise is a creative identity experiment, a constructed vehicle for liberated, soul-rooted, wild self expression in service to the evolution of life & consciousness. It is and is not me, like a branch of a tree is an expression of the tree in service to its growth so too is The Wild Visionary a branch of expression of a much deeper wider fuller self. He is none the less wildly in love with life, fearlessly stretching out into the world carrying seeds of possibilities, food/nourishment for the soul in these times of great famine.
The Self
The self is an emergent process of nature, culture and internal psychological processes (soul). It is quite literally all that has been, is being, and could be experienced. These experiences (actualities) generate potentials/possibilities (seeds) which are stored as...
On Freedom
Freedom, my brothers and sisters, is a quality of mind. This mind is like the light of the sun, shining through the darkness of space. For light does always exist, forever burning, forever giving, and see how it asks nothing, see how it takes nothing away. Eternal is...
Sun Enters Sagittarius Conjunct the South Node
Something familiar yet something utterly different. We are encountering our past selves through encountering old contexts. Spaces, places, people, that hold the contours of familiarity, like a memory stored in that which is outside oneself only to be recalled through...
Get In Touch!
Schedule a free 1 on 1 discovery call to meet, connect and tune into the possibilities.